writer, singer, reader, lover, wife, sister, daughter . . . BUT ALL CRAZY!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Shopping for the Audition!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
When life gets hard
Saturday, October 29, 2011
NaNoWriMo . . . For real this year!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Weight Watchers
Sunday, June 26, 2011
"In God We Trust" my 4th of July talk!
In God We Trust was first put into law as the official motto of the United States of America in 1956 by President Dwight D Eisenhower. Many believe the origin of the national motto came from the final stanza of the Star Spangled Banner written by Francis Scott Key in 1814 “. . . And this be our motto: In God is our trust.” While it wasn’t officially adopted as our national motto until 1956, it has appeared on US coins since 1864 and has been a part of the fabric of the building up of our nation. The founding fathers (and mothers) believed in God deeply and between 1700 and 1740 an estimated 75 to 80 percent of the population attended some kind of organized church.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Weston got a job!!!!

After a month of nothing and weeks of worry and tears, WESTON GOT A JOB!!!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011
Steal Me . . . but don't take me to far!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Why isn't there JUNK when I want IT!

So here is my question, when you are on a diet, is it a good thing to get rid of all the food in your house that isn't approved on the diet? Many say yes. Today I say
Saturday, March 26, 2011
10 lbs and counting!!!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Day 2 and a half!
There are days where the only thing that is getting you through is the mantra “Just one more day, then the week is done, just one more day.” I’m feeling that way today. I’m not sure what it is, but I feel awful and I want to go to bed and sleep. It’s very frustrating because being an adult means you can’t just up and leave whenever you want to.
Yesterday Weston and I went to the restaurant called Soupilatious and Sweet Tomatoes. It’s a salad bar buffett that is perfect for the diet we’re on. All you can eat salad and vegetarian soups. LOVES! It was great because I got to fill up completely, but I wasn’t eating anything that wasn’t on our diet. (Lets not talk about the few bites of creamy tomato or creamy potato soup I had, that didn’t happen). Weston had a craptastic day and mine wasn’t much better, so when we got home from school and work, I said, “Off we get to Sweet Tomates!” Like how that almost, sort off rhymed?
The day was okay when it came to food.
Spinach (First time for the spinach!)
I don’t remember what was in it, but I do remember it was really good!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Day 1 of the Eat to Live cleanse
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Veneers and Lorazepan . . . an ode to crazy!!

Monday was the Veneer Day! Here are the before and after pictures for my teeth. Now I know my picture of my before looks much better because of the fact that my make-up and hair are done, just ignore that. Just focus on my teeth.
It started Sunday night. I was given a prescription for Lorazepan. For those of you that don’t know what Lorazepan is, it is a sedative that works really really well! I took one Sunday night, on Monday morning and hour before the appointment and then 2 at 1:00pm during the appointment. Needless to say, I was totally out of it.
I don’t remember much of the appointment, only that the shots he gave me hurt really bad. More then normal. Weston thinks it’s because the Lorazepan blocked my ability to mentally cope with the shots. Also, he said one of them bled a lot. So that could have something to do with it. I’ve had so many shots lately though, that I think I’m getting good at taking them. Or . . . maybe not J.
Weston came to get me once the appointment was done. I was so out of it, I don’t remember him coming in our coming to get me. I remember being in the car and getting food. Then I remember waking up in my bed and going to get food around seven that night and then falling back asleep until the next morning. I woke up okay on Tuesday, but I was kind of shaky on my legs. I drove to work, looking back, that was probably not a good idea because only three hours later, Weston was coming to get me because I was so loopy.
Dr. Child gave me a few more mouth washes to use because I have a tendency toward canker sores. They seem to be working, keep your fingers crossed! So now I have temporary veneers in my mouth. I’m going to be getting custom veneers in about 2 weeks, then in about a month and a half I get the real ones. YEAH!!!!!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Voice Lessons!!!

La La La La!!!
All they want is the dancing! I hope'a his is as excited by dancing girls as your new managers, because I will not be SINGING!
- Carlotta Phantom of the Opera
I had my first voice lesson yesterday since I took my break in November. The break was involuntary because Weston lost his job and we couldn't afford it. So I went to see Phantom of the Opera being done by a high school in our area and was totally blown away by the girl that played Carlotta. Seriously, I have never heard that type of technique coming from a high schooler before. After the performance, I asked her who her coach was and got in contact with Barry Bounous (pronounced Ba-noose).
Funny enough, I found out last Sunday that my brother had also taken from him a while back. Small world! Anyway, I get to the Richards Building on BYU campus and I was really confused because the sign says its the physical education building. How am I going to take lessons in a gym, does that make any sense to anyone else? Hot sweaty bodies, huffing an puffing while I'm trying to sing and aria doesn't really appeal to me. Well, it turns out the east side is dedicated to the music and performance departments. So there are practice rooms and studios all over the place. It is actually very nice. I got there early and had to sit in the lobby for a while. Now understand, I hate sitting in the lobby. I hate being there with other people, we are all waiting and staring at each other. AWKWARD!
6:15 came and went and I still wasn't in my lesson. I knocked on the door once to let him know I was there, but it was still about five minutes before I finally got in. But it was worth the wait. He is a great teacher and I'm so excited to be taking from him. The first lesson is always about getting to know each other and getting to know my voice. The first thing he said was 'Yep, you are built for opera.' When I asked about that later he said that larger, taller people have a decidedly larger advange then short, thin people. For once my height will help!
He gave me two songs to work on and they are bellow. Tell me what you think!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Eat to Live

Do you have any idea how annoying it is to have a sister that is prettier then you? Well, if you are one of those lucky few, then let me explain it to you. Have you seen the movie You Again with Kristin Bell and Jamie Lee Curtis? Readers digest version, KB's character has a high school nemesis that ends up engaged to her brother. JLC's character's high school nemesis is the aunt. So you can imagine the hilarity that comes out of that. But when they introduce the nemesis characters, their hair fly's back, their eyes sparkle and the birds begin to chirp. Very realistic. But that's besides the point. The point is that sometimes its like that when my sister comes in the room. That is my sister to the right. I love her to death, would do anything for her, but sometimes I wish she would stop being to dang beautiful!